Quick and Easy Chicken Fajitas


Hello Summer and hello to my list of meals that I like to make during summer months. Chicken Fajitas are a great meal because they only Take 10-15 minutes to cook depending how you cut your chicken and veggies. I’m going to straight with ya’ll, we don’t have glorious “Air Conditioning” (it’s a Colorado thing). To avoid becoming a sweaty, wild banshee, I try to limit any amount of cooking time in the kitchen. Mama gets grouchy when I’m overly hot!

A Meal that you can Eat on the Go!

Occasionally, my kiddos when my kids are playing soccer or doing some other extracurricular activities, we are eating dinner on the go. I do one of two things, either assemble the Fajita mixture in tortilla and wrap it in foil to go or I can put the mixture in a plastic container and bring the tortillas separately. Bam! Just like that, we have a Fajita Picnic dinner!

How to reluctantly accommodate those Picky Eaters, AKA non- herbivores!

I have a couple picky eaters in my family that refuse most vegetables. I prefer the veggies cut in pretty big slices but if your kiddo is more likely to eat small pieces of vegetables, go ahead and dice up your veggies. Just be sure to cut the amount of cooking time. It doesn’t matter if I’ve cut my bell pepper so small that the human eye can barely detect it, my picky eaters will know it’s there and refuse it. Thus, I cut the veggies the way I like it and hope that when I make this, each time they will be a little braver and eat just a bit more.

The Steps to make Quick and Easy Fajitas

Remove Chicken after you get a nice sear on the some of the pieces!

How beautiful do those Veggies Look?

Time to Eat your Fajitas!

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These Fajitas are so delicious and one of my quick meals that I love! The cast iron skillet really enhances the flavor of the chicken and produces that beautiful sear that you see in the Fajitas at restaurants.
Servings: 6 Adults
Author: Ashley Watt


  • Cast Iron Skillet


  • 1 lb Chicken breast sliced very thinly Chicken tenders work as well
  • ¼ Cayenne Pepper
  • ½ tsp Cumin
  • ¼ cup Olive Oil separated
  • ½ tsp Oregano
  • 2 tsp Chilli powder
  • 1 tsp Salt separated
  • ¼ tsp Pepper
  • Juice from half a lime
  • Green Bell Pepper sliced
  • 1 Red Bell Pepper sliced
  • ¾ large Purple Onion
  • 2 Garlic cloves
  • Juice from half of a lime
  • corn or flour tortillas


  • cilantro, salsa, black beans, sour cream, jalapeños or avocados. optional


  • Slice Chicken very thinly (you want thin bite-sized pieces). Then sprinkle the chicken with Cayenne pepper and set aside.
  • Cut all the Bell Peppers, Onion, lime, cilantro. I will usually cut all of my toppings (Avocados, jalapeños, and etc.) at this time as well.
  • Heat up 3 Tablespoons of Olive Oil in your Cast iron skillet (you could use a wok or a non-stick pan but the iron skillet produces the best results). Place the chicken in the pan snd spread around the pan to make an even layer. You want a good sear on the chicken. Add spices to chicken including just 1 tsp of Salt. Use tongs to flip the chicken pieces. And watch out for splatter. Cook until chicken looks like it has a good sear (2-3 minutes or so) and almost cooked through. Then add the lime juice from half of a lime. Cook 1 minute then remove chicken from pan with tongs and set aside. Make sure to keep remaining juices in the pan.
  • If you need, add one more Tbsp oil to your pan. Once the oil is heated, add the Onion and Bell Peppers. After 1-2 minutes put in Garlic. Cook for a few minutes allowing some of the veggies to get nice charred look. Then add the chicken again and mix the veggies with the chicken. Add the remaining lime juice and another ½ tsp of salt. Cook a couple more minutes and then keep the Fajita mixture on low while you warm your tortillas. Make sure to watch your chicken so it doesn't over cook! Use corn or flour tortillas and top with cilantro, salsa, black beans, sour cream, or avocados. Enjoy!

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